Codemotion realizes a space specially tailored to young hackers to come: Codemotion kids.

Kids Laboratories will be delivered on Saturday 29th

Through video-games and do-it-yourself the youngest attendees will have the opportunity to move their first steps in the world of coding, electronic and robotic programming.

Codemotion Kids Labs are free of charge for children, but advance booking is required.

Note: Every child must attend Kids Laboratories bringing a laptop. No laptop will be provided by the organization.



Room 1

  • 10:00 – 13:00 Coder Dojo - Coderdojo Milan team chose Codemotion to plan the next event dedicated to children. The workshop lasts 3 hours and the theme is “Play”. Target: 7/14 anni. Prebooking is mandatory and reservations open on November 24th. Reserve your seat!
  • 13:30 – 15:30 Prime invenzioni con Arduino - A journey to discover the introductory elements of electronics from its foundations to the creation of a small invention with the use of Arduino hardware. Target: 8/13 yrs Reserve your seat!
  • 16:00 – 18:00 Il mio Robottino con Snap 4 Arduino – A workshop to build a robot able to interacting with us by means of sensors of lights , LEDs , motors and programm it by embedding with Arduino hardware and visual language Snap. Target: 10/15 yrs  Reserve your seat!

Room 2

  • 11:00 – 13:00 Facciamo un videogioco - Scratch Coding Laboratory. Scratch is the visual educational programming language developed by MIT used to teach coding to young people: kids can use Scratch to program their first videogame.  Target: 7/11 yrs Reserve your seat!
  • 14:30 – 16:30 Facciamo un videogioco - Scratch Coding Laboratory. Scratch is the visual educational programming language developed by MIT used to teach coding to young people: kids can use Scratch to program their first videogame.  Target: 7/11 yrs Reserve your seat!

Main Sponsor