Sandro Paganotti - Gabriele Lana

DATE: Thursday the 27th of November. This workshop aims to show how web API can be encapsulated and distributed through Web Components in order to dramatically lower the implementation barriers and be able to define which customisations are allowed with great precision. LANGUAGE Italian LEVEL Medium DURATION The workshop is full-day (8 hours) from 9:00 to…


Jacopo Romei

DATE: Wednesday the 26th of November. Test driven development in the morning, kanban board and lean management in the afternoon. A primer about agile values, principles and practices shown through games and hands-on activities. LANGUAGE Italian LEVEL Low DURATION The workshop is full-day (8 hours) from 9:00 to 18:00, with one hour lunch break. LOCATION…

jacopo romei_ws

Mario Cartia

DATE: Thursday the 27th of November. What is Big Data? A Gartner analyst has characterized Big Data as “data that’s an order of magnitude greater than data you’re accustomed to”. The workshop introduces the topic of Big Data by providing a practical knowledge of the tools and techniques most commonly used to handle them. LANGUAGE…


Mario Fusco

DATE: Wednesday the 26th of November. Java 8 has been the most revolutionary Java release. It not only introduced lambdas making Java an hybrid object oriented and functional language, but also enriched its API with extremely useful classes like Stream and CompletableFuture. This WS will explain all these news with practical examples. LANGUAGE Italian LEVEL Medium…


Carlo Bonamico

DATE: Wednesday the 26th of November. Many services and applications have demonstrated the power of HTML5 platform. However, designing, building and maintaining a complex Javascript is a remarkable challenge. The workshop presents an ever more popular and Open Source framework, the extremely robust, productive and simple Angular JS. LANGUAGE Italian LEVEL Medium DURATION The workshop is…


Marco Casario

DATE: Thursday the 27th of November. Learn the benefits of using a new development approach to create modern responsive web applications and help you enjoy writing HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript code. LANGUAGE Italian LEVEL Medium DURATION The workshop is full-day (8 hours) from 9:00 to 18:00, with one hour lunch break. LOCATION Room Bl 27.1.3 –…


Carlo Bonamico

DATE: Thursday the 27th of November. After the initial “Wow” phase, developers adopting Angular face many challenging choices about how to architect, design, decompose and implement production-ready applications. The workshop aims at sharing the experience gained in the development of several mobile and enterprise HTML5 applications. LANGUAGE Italian LEVEL High DURATION The workshop is full-day (8…


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