Startuppers, come on!
Once again Codemotion offers a great opportunity for hi-tech Startups to reach programmers, engineers, Italian ICT companies and large international firms which will attend Codemotion Milan.
Startup contest is the “event in the event” dedicated to the most interesting hi-tech startups selected among them who submitted to the contest.
Every selected Startup will own a desk in Startup area and the best of them will also pitch in front of an audience made by talented developers and companies.
If you are a hi-tech startup founder and you are looking for the best way to become actractive for ninjadevs, you could submit your application and try to get the desk at Codemotion Milan.
Why partecipate
Hiring Startups will have the opportunity to meet and talk to the best developers, furthermore, they would introduce themselves and their products/technologies to an audience of highly qualified IT professionals.
What you’ll find
Proposing effectively to the developer could be very hard for startuppers. Co-founder are usually accustomed to pitch to investors, but startups devoted to success need to be attractive to best developers.
Developers usually have the opportunity to choose where to work, and big company generally could pay more their employer.
However, there are many good reasons for a developer to work in a startup rather than in a large company.
How to participate
Stay tuned on our website or social pages to know when Startup event will open.
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