Hottest topics. Amazing speakers. Codemotion Milan warms up
Start your engines and be ready to run fast: Codemotion Milan is warming up and it pledges to be the must-attend event in autumn.
By its nature, Codemotion demonstrated to have a wide area of interests, and a mission looking forward to the future.
Mobile, DevOps, UX/UI, Cloud and BigData, Gamedev and IoT: the hottest topics delivered by the most charming international speakers for a conference who reinvented the idea of tech-event in Europe.
People first
The beating heart of Codemotion is Codemotion People: Codemotion events in Rome, Berlin and Madrid have been attended by more than 5000 international guests in the last years.
This blazing roadshow is now heading to Milan where Codemotion will land on November 28th and 29th along with an exciting lineup of disruptive innovators.
Say YES to Codemotion
A bunch of amazing personalities already said yes to Codemotion, so we are really proud to introduce you our earliest beloved speakers:

Speaker also in: Devoxx, Droidcon, GDGs, Paris Glass User Group.
Speaker also in Geek Girl Carrots, Campus Party EU, Front-Trends 2012.
Speaker also in QCon São Paulo, Jfokus Soft-Shake.
Speaker also in Devoxx France, JUGs, Web5 2013, Agile France.
Speaker also in Creative Mornings/Munich, beyond tellerrand 2013, HackerBrucke, Reasons to be Creative.
Speaker also in ParisJUG, Marmite, Mix-it, SoftShake, last seen in Devoxx.
Speaker also in Italian Agile Day, JSDAy, PHPDay, Node.JS Conf.
Speaker also in JAX London, GOTO Amsterdam, Qcon NewYork, Craft Conf.
Speaker also in Scala Days, Silicon Valley Code Camp, Java One.
Speaker also in W-JAX, Software Architecture Summit.
Speaker also in RailsIsrael, Eurucamp, JS Unconf, DevconTLV.
Speaker also in GeeCON, JDK.IO, FOSDEM, Devoxx.
Also speaker in IEEE International Conference, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Also speaker in Dutch Mobile Conference, Php conference, UX Scotland.
Also speaker in PHPDay, Better Software Florence, AngularJS Day.
Also speaker in Agile Saturday X Estonia, PHP Northwest Manchester, Symfony Day.
Also speaker in QCon Tokio, DevSum Stockholm, NDC Oslo.
Also speaker in Lean Kanban southern Europe, London Web Standard, UX Conference, Lugano.
Get involved
Take breaks on your way up and be part of an amazing event made by technology and innovation: say yes to Codemotion and submit your paper!